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As a public employer, Clovis Unified School District is exempt from paying into California’s State Disability Insurance (SD) program. Since the District does not contribute to the SDI fund, nor do any District employees. Employees are ineligible to receive SDI benefits.
Clovis Unified provides Disability Insurance with VOYA Financial for non-management employees in the following Employee Groups:
Upon satisfying a 45-day waiting period and sick leave exhaustion on the VOYA Disability plan, eligible employees can receive a benefit of 66.75% of their base salary up to a monthly maximum of $3,000.00. For any additional information on eligibility, claim forms, and plan descriptions, please contact VOYA Financial or visit their website.
Employees not qualified for District paid Disability coverage through VOYA Financial, may purchase Disability Insurance on their own as a voluntary benefit from carriers such as (but not limited to) American Fidelity and AFLAC. You may sign up for a voluntary disability plan at any time during the year, you do not have to wait for open enrollment. For more information on the Disability plans or other voluntary benefits through American Fidelity or AFLAC, please visit our Voluntary Benefits web page.