The Expanded Learning Club's goal is for students to feel success and empowerment while gaining skills and strategies that will help them during the regular school day and prepare them academically and socially for ensuing years. Where feasible, staff are trained in the district's behavior intervention program and social emotional learning curriculum (e.g., Second Step). School-aligned health and safety procedures and policies are in place. Collaborative meetings are scheduled with site administration to further develop a safe and supportive environment. The collaboration between ELC staff, site administrators, and teachers help to identify participant strengths, interests, and learning styles.
Hands-on lessons and activities are designed based on student interests. Students are regularly involved in projects and activities that increase understanding and use of creativity, critical thinking, and information and communication technology. A specific focus is placed on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) topics, as well as art (both performing and visual) and Social-emotional learning (SEL) skills. Many collaborative partnerships are established with community vendors through annual contracts to support the enrichment component of our program. Students have access to regular instructional day online resources such as iReady Math and Reading and Accelerated Reading (AR) through their student portal,
Academic support for students is a priority reflected in the daily schedule. The academic support is aligned and designed to complement the regular school day and focus on meeting proficiency in the California State Content Standards. Students may have up to one hour to complete their homework. The staff collaborates with classroom teachers on student homework completion. On-site credentialed teachers are recruited and contracted to provide targeted academic intervention for students in the after-school programs. Lessons provided are aligned to the California State Content Standards and may have assessments as part of the student progress monitoring process. Students are offered reading and writing opportunities. Literacy activities are at least 15-30 minutes per day for students. Students are given opportunities to practice literacy skills using additional resources such as accelerated Reader (AR), iReady, and READ 180.
Students have opportunities to share their viewpoints, concerns, or interests in many ways that help the staff create and establish program expectations and practices. Staff may provide informal and/or formal surveys to students to gauge their interests in what they would like to experience in ELC. Programs have student leaders serve as facilitators for enrichment activities such as clubs, service-based learning projects and talent shows.
Through the partnership with the district's Campus Catering Department, nutritious snacks and meals are offered to all participating students. The staff collaborates with the school to ensure that their healthy practices and program activities are aligned with the school wellness plan. Just like a regular school day, physical education and fitness activities are implemented daily. Teachers are contracted by stipends to provide age-appropriate competitive athletic opportunities for students in grades 4-6. These athletic opportunities are available by sport on a quarterly basis.
All students enrolled in elementary school are eligible to participate in ELC. Information such as program schedules, fees, locations, and parent handbook are updated regularly and available on the Clovis Unified School District website under the Child Development Department tab. All elementary schools are a direct link to the Child Development website on their home page. Information posted on the website is accessible in various languages.
During the month of March, program supervisors host parent information meetings at each elementary school to share information about ELC and how to complete an application for their student(s). Informational flyers are translated in Spanish and Hmong and sent home to parents in each school community. Bases on the needs of the parents, interpreters are made available at the parent information meetings. The application for ELC is accessible to all parents through their Parent Connect portal starting in April. Students identified as unduplicated pupils are given priority acceptance into programs until facility and/or staffing capacity is reached. Waitlists are created and the remaining students will be added to the program as more staff are hired.
Program supervisors are intentional in hiring staff to reflect the students being served. Staff are trained and encouraged to create positive partnerships with students and families. The various cultures and backgrounds of students are celebrated through ac
The ELC leadership team works diligently to recruit, hire, and retain quality staff. Candidates must meet the minimum requirements of the District and go through a thorough interview process prior to obtaining a position in ELC. New staff members hired during the year will attend mandatory training before reporting to their site assignments. All staff are evaluated twice during their probationary period and must meet the job performance standards to obtain permanent status. Credentialed teaching staff and paraprofessional personnel involved in the program at the site level meet the Elementary and Secondary Education Act qualifications for their position. In addition to the required district online training courses, multiple training opportunities are available to staff throughout the school year. Staff serving as Instructor Lead 2, Instructor Lead 1 or TK/K instructors have additional targeted training throughout the year.
Clovis Unified School District's Expanded Learning Club strives to be the benchmark for excellence in Expanded Learning programs for students in elementary school.
The mission of Expanded Learning Club is to provide a safe and supportive expanded learning environment that fosters educational and enrichment opportunities for all students.
ELC offers academic support, health and wellness, and enrichment components. The academic support component consists of homework assistance and targeted academic intervention in the focus area chosen by the school site. The health and wellness component consists of physical fitness and education along with a healthy snack. The enrichment component consists of STEM, clubs, community events, service-learning projects, community partners, and much more.
Community partnerships are critical components to improve the quality of our programs. Monthly site lead, regional, and school site principal meetings ensure a strong relationship with collaborative partners.
Please see ELOP Program Plan Guide for a list of community partnerships.
Expanded Learning Club conducts a formal annual program assessment based on the 12 Quality Standards of Expanded Learning in California. The program data evaluation results are shared with educational partners for feedback. The ELC leadership team collects and utilizes data to influence program planning and goal setting. Evaluation outcomes are used to prioritize future work around program design, professional development, and program practices. Results from the assessment are the driving force behind the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Action Plan. CQI Action Plans are created in the Fall and implemented throughout the Spring.
Please see the ELOP Program Plan Guide for survey guidelines.
The ELC leadership team works collaboratively with the site and district administration to assess and utilize funding for their program to support the vision, mission, and goals. The program supervisors ensure each site meets the requirements for providing academic support, enrichment as well as health and wellness activities.
The program plan is updated annually using information from a variety of sources. ELC sites administer student, parent, teacher, and site staff surveys annually. These surveys afford the ELC leadership team an opportunity to evaluate, review, and reflect on their program from an internal point of view and collaborate with all educational partners to improve program quality. Other indicators used for evaluation include attendance rates, expenditures, staff development opportunities, parent participation, student achievement, and recommendations for continued improvement. Based on a comprehensive analysis of data and information, the ELC leadership team will identify effective practices and list areas needing improvement.