For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. To change this setting:
Special Education Registrar
Lee Anna Koch
Phone: (559) 327-9404
Fax: (559) 327-9440
504 Registrar
Stephanie Pizana
Phone: (559) 327-9391
Fax: (559) 327-9440
All special education records and 504 plans can be requested through our special education main office. All other educational records can be requested through the school site.
Please contact our Special Education Registrar for more details:
Pursuant to sections 300.624 and 303.416 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Clovis Unified School District hereby provides notification of the intent to destroy special education records. Every June, the Clovis Unified School District destroys special education student records that are no longer useful to the District. These special education records are educational records of students who have graduated from the District with a regular high school diploma, exited from special education, or not attended school in the District seven years prior to the date of destruction. Prior to this destruction, you may want to request a copy of your educational records, or as a conservator, the educational records of a conserved person, for future employment, education, insurance, or public benefits purposes. Requests for a copy of special educational records should be directed to Lee Anna Koch, Special Education Registrar, before June at (559) 327-9404 or