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Negotiations Updates


In late January, both parties reached tenative agreement to settle contract negotiations for the 2024-2025 contract year.

Also in January, the process to begin negotiations over a 2025-26 successor agreement started. Public hearings to begin the process were held on Feb. 19 at the meeting of the Governing Board. As of March 1, the District and ACE Psychologists and Mental Health Support Providers are finalizing the 2024-25 tentative agreement and will then schedule negotations meetings related to the 2025-26 successor agreement.

ACE Psychologists & Mental Health Support Providers Negotiations Update (Nov. 22)
Following a second day of mediation on Nov. 21 between the District and ACE Psychologists and Mental Health Support Providers the two parties have failed to reach agreement over the final two contract articles. These articles, Staffing Ratios and Workload (Article 5) and Salary (Article 9) have been the subject of numerous meetings during which no resolution could be reached on mutually agreeable contract language.
Unfortunately, it is necessary to correct misinformation released by ACE following the Nov. 21 mediation. During the second mediation session, the mediator initially met with the District for approximately 8 minutes. She then left that meeting to confer with ACE. The mediator did not return to meet with the District again for approximately 50 minutes. When the mediator met with the District the second time it was to inform us she was releasing the parties to Fact Finding. It simply is factually incorrect to say the mediator met with the District “for much longer” than ACE during the Nov. 21 mediation.
Once necessary documentation is submitted to PERB a timeline for the Fact Finding hearing will be developed. Fact Finding occurs through appointment of an impartial expert by each party to the negotiations and a third appointed by PERB. These experts then hold a hearing at which both sides present their rationale and the disputed facts hindering agreement. The panel is then responsible for determining the facts related to the stalled negotiations and making a recommendation for settlement. We are disappointed that agreement has not been reached as the position of the District is financially prudent and fair.

November 2024

On Nov. 8 the District and ACE Psychologists/Mental Health Support Providers met with a mediator assigned by the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) to attempt to reach agreement in their ongoing negotiations. That meeting concluded without resolution and a second mediation meeting has been scheduled for Nov. 20 to continue the effort to reach agreement.

October Update 2024

After 14 negotiations meetings, during which the District and ACE failed to reach agreement on contract articles related to Staffing Ratios and Workload (Article 5) and Salary (Article 9), both parties independently filed for impasse with PERB. 

By Oct. 17, PERB had recognized both parties’ declaration and appointed a mediator. The District and ACE Psychologists/Mental Health Support Providers are now working to identify a mutually agreed to date to meet with the mediator in the hopes of reaching agreement.

Late September Update (after meetings on Sept. 10 & 16)
After two negotiations meetings this month:

Article 5 -Staffing Ratios and Workload
ACE is in possession of the District's response to their latest proposal to Article 5. The ACE proposal now seeks a reduced number of additional FTEs.

Article 7 - Hours of Employment
ACE's current proposal to reduce duty days from 193 to 186, while maintaining the existing salary structure with a requested 3% increase (currently proposed in Article 9) is now with the District.

Article 9 - Salary
ACE has responded to the District's proposal for Appendix C (Salary Schedule) with a willingness to maintain the current 8-step salary schedule but with a proposal to increase the entire salary schedule by 3% (see above).

Tentative agreement has been reached between the District and ACE on Article 6 – Job Duties and Working Conditions.
No other articles are under negotiation.  Additional negotiating meetings have been scheduled Sept. 24 and Sept. 30. The District has also offered meeting dates into October to ACE.

Early September Update
After two additional meetings in August, the District and ACE continue to negotiate three articles of the collective bargaining agreement. Below is a status of those articles:

Article 5 – Staffing Ratios and Workload
ACE is currently in possession of the District’s response to their proposal related to the remaining Article 5 addendum still under negotiations(Admin. Regulation No. 4000.5). ACE’s proposal to the District sought approximately 19 additional FTE increases to existing staffing ratios at the program-time and base-time level. Their proposal has an associated cost of $3.3 Million. As of August 23, in light of existing budget constraints facing California schools, the District delivered a counter proposal to ACE to maintain existing staffing ratios at the previously agreed to levels.
Article 7 – Hours of Employment
Article 7 is currently under consideration by ACE. The District’s current proposal is to, like with other duty day employees, define ACE members’ starting, ending and non-duty days based on the school year calendar.
Article 9 – Salary

ACE’s proposal for Appendix C to Article 9 (the Psychologist and Mental Health Support Providers Salary Schedule) is currently with the District. Article 9 language remains with ACE. ACE’s proposed revision to Appendix C would eliminate three steps from the existing salary schedule, resulting in a 19% salary increase for members currently on steps 1-5. Members currently on steps 6, 7, and 8 would move to step 5 of the proposed schedule, receiving salary increases of 14%, 8%, and 3%, respectively. The cost of the proposed salary schedule and its ensuing moves is about $975,000. 

Article 9 language proposed by the District that is currently under consideration by ACE would offer a repayment plan in the event an employee is overpaid.

  • Summer 2024 Update
    After two additional negotiations meetings on June 4 and 5 between the District and ACE Psychologists and Mental Health Support Providers (ACE), no additional meetings are currently scheduled. The District has provided possible negotiations dates to take place in June, July and August and is awaiting a response from ACE.

    Currently, the District is in possession of ACE-proposed language for Article 5 - Staffing Ratios/Workload (with one appendix, AR 4000.5 still under negotiation) and Article 9 - Salary. ACE is in possession of District-proposed language for Article 7 - Hours of Employment.  Tentative agreement has been reached over Article 6 - Job Duties/Working Conditions and no other articles are under negotiations.

    May 2024 Update
    The end of the school year is fast approaching, and all District employees play a critical role in making it a success!  This update provides information about the status of negotiations between the District and ACE Psychologists and Mental Health Support Providers (ACE).
    CUSD and ACE have met three times to discuss contract articles reopened for negotiation. We have reached tentative agreement on Article 6 (Job Duties and Working Conditions). Discussions continue on Article 5 (Staffing Ratios and Workload), Article 7 (Hours of Employment), and Article 9 (Salary).
    CUSD and ACE continued negotiations on Monday, May 13 and Tuesday, May 28. At this time, the three remaining articles under negotiation are with ACE. This includes Article 5 - Staffing Ratios/Workload, Article 7 - Hours of Employment, and Article 9 - Salary. Negotiation meetings have been scheduled for June 4 and 5.