2025 – Re-opener of some CBA articles underway
In February 2025, the District and CSEA Chapter 250 began the annual process of re-opening a maximum of two articles each with public hearings taking place at the Feb. 19 meeting of the Governing Board related to initial proposals.
In late February, CSEA Chapter 250 requested to amend their initial re-opener proposal to include salary discussions for the 2025-2026 fiscal year. A public hearing on their re-opener will take place March 19 at the regularly scheduled Governing Board meeting. Following the public hearing, negotiations meetings will be scheduled.
2024 September
At the end of August, all CSEA Chapter 250 employees eligible for back pay have now received payment after the July 17 ratification of the Chapter and District's Successor Agreement. The current CBA is in effect through June 30, 2026, a copy of which will be posted on this web page when it is finalized.
Summer 2024
On July 17, 2024, the Governing Board ratified the Successor Agreement previously approved by members of CSEA Chapter 250. With the agreement approved, CSEA Chapter 250 also withdrew its 2023 PERB Unfair Practice Complaint against the District that had alleged violations of a prior "Me Too" compensation clause.
The Classified Operations Salary Schedule has been updated to include a 5.5% increase and CSEA employees will see that adjustment for the first time on their July 2024 paycheck.
A separate retro paycheck for the time period July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024,will be sent to CSEA employees by August 30, 2024.
Q. Can you clarify the purpose of the Market Study?
A. The purpose of the Market Study was to ensure our salary schedules and individual positions were competitive compared to others in our sector of the economy. In the bargaining unit, salary adjustments varied for positions depending on the results of this third party study of the District's salary schedules. Not every bargaining unit member or position received the same salary adjustment. Those adjustments were based on the many different job titles in the unit and what the study's findings were for each of those positions. The outcomes of the Market Study remain available on the District's web page under the Human Resources/Salaries link.
Q. What is the Unfair Practice Charge SA-CE-3134-E?
A. As of July 2024, CSEA has withdrawn this charge.
The District and Chapter 250 had a hearing scheduled for July 9-11, 2024 related to an unfair practice charge filed by Chapter 250 concerning interpretation of the prior contract's "Me Too" provision and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by Chapter 250 in May 2021. At the time, CSEA 250 was the only exclusive representative of District employees. Both sides will have an opportunity to question witnesses and present evidence regarding the issues raised in the complaint. An administrative law judge will make a proposed decision after considering all the evidence presented.