Schedule changes that affect your child’s attendance may be made by calling the Child Development office at 327-9160. Requests to cancel and/or drop services are currently accepted.
Starting September 3rd, schedule change requests can be made for the month of October. Due to staffing shortage and/or facility issues, requests for additional days or programs may not be granted.
To fully benefit from our Expanded Learning Club Program, your child must be enrolled in a minimum of three days in a three hour program.
Enrollment in program is a privilege. Therefore, adherence to the regulations in the Expanded Learning Club Parent Handbook and Application/Contract is mandatory. Services may be terminated at any time for the following reasons:
If you wish to terminate services for your child, a one (1) week notice is required. You must call our office at (559) 327-9160. You are liable for any monies due on your child’s account.
Students must be promptly picked up at the end of each program. Excessive late pick-ups may result in tour child being dropped from [program.
One (1) late pick-up over 30 minutes will be considered the equivalent of two (2) late pick-ups for the year. If your child is not picked up within 30 minutes after closing time, and we are unable to reach you or anyone on your approved emergency/release contact list, we will have to notify Child Protective Services or local authorities and ask them to pick up your child
Expanded Learning Club operates at all Clovis Unified Elementary School sites and are contingent upon minimum enrollment criteria, staffing needs and facility availability.
The dress code established by the CUSD for all students, applies to students participating in Expanded Learning Programs. Click here for the CUSD dress code.
The safety of your child is our primary goal. The following is an outline of the Expanded Learning Club (ELC) accountability system:
Illness: Parents will be contacted if their student becomes ill during program. It is the expectation that parents must pick up their student within 30 minutes. The following guidelines will be used to determine if your child will be excluded from program due to illness.
Health Concerns: Students with existing health conditions must be reported to the school health office and ELC staff.
Medication: Students are not allowed to carry medication on the school grounds. Students who need inhalers need to follow the protocol set up by CUSD by having a Medication Authorization form on file with the health office. ELC staff are not trained to administer medication to students. All medication must be dispensed by the school health office prior to coming to ELC.
ELC staff make every effort to ensure the safety of your student. However, minor to serious accidents may occur during program. ELC staff will apply first aid in minor cases. Emergency services will be contacted when appropriate. Parents will always be contacted when an injury occurs.
As a student in CUSD and a member of Expanded Learning Club, your student has certain responsibilities. Your student will be held accountable for the choices he/she makes during program time. ELC adheres to the CUSD discipline policy.
It is important for your student to understand and accept the following personal responsibilities:
To best meet the needs of students in program, we expect parents to share pertinent information with the site lead. Health concerns should also be shared with the school health office staff.
Each program portable has a "Parent Wall" that will provide program information. The site lead is available during the afterschool program to help answer specific questions or concerns. Parents are also encouraged to contact the Child Development Office (559) 327-9160.
In addition to your site lead, the following supervisor and administrators can be of assistance when needed:
Your cancelled check, payment, receipt or monthly statement will act as a record for tax purposes. Amounts reported for childcare for year-end tax purposes are the responsibility of the individual. Keep your monthly statements to track your yearly costs. Child Development does not provide a year end tax statement.
This policy promotes mutual respect, civility and orderly conduct among District employees, parents and the public. Members of the CUSD staff will treat parents with respect and expect the same in return.
All Expanded Learning Club staff are child-care custodians and are mandated reporters inclusive of public school employees.
Expanded Learning Club provides a variety of activities. If an item is used for “sharing” during the school day, the student must keep the item in his/her backpack while at ELC. Students are asked to not bring toys or games from home unless prior permission is given by site staff.
Cell Phones: The cell phone policy established by the CUSD Board of Trustees for all students applies to students participating in ELC. Students are allowed to keep cell phones in their backpacks turned off while at ELC.
ELC is not responsible for damaged or stolen personal items.
Attendance is important for students to fully benefit from our program. Students who are accepted into program and do not attend scheduled days or have excessive absences will be dropped from program.