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Policies and Procedures

Clovis Unified School District SELPA


  • Clovis Unified is a single-district SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area).
  • There are over 4,200 students with an Individual Education Program (IEP) or an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).
  • We serve eligible students living in Clovis Unified School District from Birth to 22 years of age.

Learn more about SELPA's

General Description of the SELPA (EC56195.1)


The Superintendent or designee shall develop a local plan for the education of individuals with disabilities residing in the District. The plan shall be approved by the Governing Board.

The purpose of the Local Plan is to:
1. Outline the special education policies/procedures and services that are offered throughout the SELPA.
2. To assure access to special education and related services for all individuals with exceptional needs residing within the geographic areas served by the plan. 
3. To assure compliance with all Federal and State codes and statutes. 


A map of California showing the different SELPA regions, with each county highlighted in a different color.

This information provides you as parents, legal guardians, and surrogate parents of children with disabilities from three (3) years of age through age twenty-one (21) and students who have reached age eighteen (18), the age of majority, with an overview of your educational rights or procedural safeguards. 
Download Notice of Procedural Safeguards using the links below.