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New Student Registration


New school attendance boundaries take effect Fall 2025. To see which school your child will attend under the new attendance boundaries, see our interactive boundary map.

Logo for the Clovis Unified School District Student Services and School Attendance.


2024-25 New Student Online Pre-Registration

Please click below:



After completing your Pre-Registration, gather the documents that you were not able to scan or upload and report to your registration site to finalize enrollment. The process is not complete until you have turned in all documents and signed required forms.

For Preschool enrollment, please visit the Preschool page »


2025-26 New Student Online Pre-Registration will begin on Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Welcome to Clovis Unified School District!

We are excited to welcome your family and help you register your child(ren) into their resident school. The information below will guide you through the process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your resident school.

  • Transitional Kindergarten

    If your child will turn five (5) between the dates of September 2, 2024, and June 2, 2025, your child is eligible to register for Transitional Kindergarten. The Transitional Kindergarten program is a two-year program (year 1: Transitional Kindergarten and year 2: Kindergarten). Students born in this window are NOT eligible for Kindergarten.



    To be eligible to register for kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year, a child must turn five (5) years of age on or before September 1, 2024.

  • Please note that only a parent or legal guardian may register a child for school.  If you are currently the physical custodian of a child or a foster parent, please contact Student Services and School Attendance at (559) 327-9200 to make an appointment to be approved/recognized as the child’s caregiver. Appointments should be made prior to the registration process.


    Parents/Guardians/Caregivers should first confirm the school that aligns to their home dwelling address so they register at the correct school.  To find out what school you should register for, please utilize the CUSD mapping program “What School Should My Child Attend”.


    Parents/Guardians/Caregivers should review their child’s immunization records.  Make sure that you have an up to date copy of all of the immunizations your child has received.  For a list of immunizations required, please click here.


    If you are interested in attending a different school, other than your resident (home) school, transfer applications will be available after your register for your resident school.  All students interested in transferring schools, must be registered at their resident (home) school prior to applying for a transfer.


    If you are living outside of the Clovis Unified School District attendance boundaries, you will need to apply for a transfer prior to registering at any Clovis Unified School District school.  There are two types of transfers available for out of district residents.


    The first type of transfer is for families that have a parent/legal guardian that is employed for more than 10 hours per week at a business or own a business within the CUSD attendance boundaries. Please check your employment address by utilizing the mapping program “What School Should My Child Attend”. Applications for Employment Based Residency Transfers are available here or at Student Services and School Attendance located at 1465 David E. Cook Way, Clovis, 93611. Applications require a recent paycheck stub and supervisor’s signature, or a valid business license and a recent lease agreement for office space within the district’s boundaries. All Applications should be turned in to Student Services and School Attendance beginning on March 1, 2023. This option is not available for Sierra Unified School District residents. Sierra Unified School District residents must begin the request for employment based enrollment by contacting Sierra Unified School District for an Interdistrict Transfer.


    The second type of transfer is for families that live and work outside of the CUSD attendance boundaries. An Interdistrict Transfer application starts at the school district of residency (Example: Fresno Unified, Central Unified, Sanger Unified, and Sierra Unified). Parents/Guardians must contact their home school district to begin this process. It is recommended that parents/guardians begin this process as soon as possible as these types of transfers take time to process with two school districts involved. 


    Clovis Unified School District accepts 2023-2024 Interdistrict Transfer applications for those that wish to leave Clovis Unified beginning on Wednesday, March 1, 2023.

  • The registration process for students entering grades TK through 12th grade includes two steps.


    FIRST STEP: The first step is for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers to complete online pre-registration.  The online pre-registration asks parents a series of required basic demographic questions about their child.  To prepare to complete the pre-registration process, please read "What do I need to get ready to register and enroll my child?"


    SECOND STEP: The second step is to provide required enrollment documents.  These documents can be attached during the online pre-registration process if the parent has scanned the documents and saved them as a PDF so they are ready to attach.  The other way to provide those documents is to deliver the documents to the school site in person.  Elementary school sites will accept transitional kindergarten and kindergarten documents for the 2024-25 school year beginning on March 1, 2024.  For students entering first through twelfth grade, school sites will accept documents for the 2024-25 school year beginning on March 8, 2024. School sites close for the summer on June 13, 2024 and reopen on August 9, 2024.


    New Student Summer Registration

    June 17, 2024 - August 8, 2024

    Monday through Thursday, Closed Fridays

    Closed June 19, 2024 and July 4, 2024 in observation of Federal holidays

    Registration Hours 8am to 11am and 1pm to 4:30pm


    Registration is not considered to be completed until both the online pre-registration process is complete, and the required documents are turned in.  Once completed, the online pre-registration application will be dated and time stamped.  The date and time stamp is important because many sites use the information to determine a variety of different processes.  A list of required documents can be found in the section "What documents do I need to provide to complete the registration process?"



  • Parents/Guardians/Caregivers will need to bring the following to their resident school site during the school year or Student Services and School Attendance during summer months:


    1. A birth certificate or other birth record, such as a baptismal certificate (must provide birth certificate within 30 days)

    • Caregivers and Foster Parents will need to bring the Student Services and School Attendance disposition given to them at their appointment.
    • Adoptive Parents that have not received a new birth certificate for their child need to bring the court order approving the adoption and, if applicable, the name change.


    2. The enrolling Parents/Guardians/Caregivers will need a photo I.D. Only birth parents, legal guardians (with court orders), or caregivers approved by Student Services and School Attendance can enroll a child in school.


    3. Any court orders or custody agreements that affect your child or your participation in the school community.


    4. Proof of residency - One of the following documents is required.  The document must be the most recent or currently valid.  Proof of Residency must be in the name of the enrolling birth parent, legal guardian (per court order) or caregivers approved by Student Services and School Attendance. If it is not, then the third party, whose name is on the document, must present themselves at the school with the parent to sign a “Declaration of Residency” at the time of enrollment.

    • Recent property tax payment receipt for the primary residence;
    • Current lease agreement;
    • Current rent receipt;
    • Recent PG & E Bill; Water, sewage & garbage bill;
    • Current paycheck stub; Social security check stub; Welfare/social services pay stub; IRS refund check stub; Unemployment pay check stub;
    • Voter registration card/ validation; or
    • Escrow papers indicating a closing date within 45 days.


    5. Written evidence of up-to-date immunizations for: Polio, MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), DTP (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis), Hepatitis B series (3 shots over a 6-month period) and Varicella (Chickenpox).

    • Immunizations exemptions based on personal beliefs will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into kindergarten or transitional kindergarten in California.
    • For your convenience, in cooperation with the State Department of Health Services and the Fresno County Health Services Agency, CUSD Sierra Vista Children’s Health Center offers immunizations for eligible children.  Please call the Health Clinic before showing up in person due to COVID-19 safety precautions.


    Sierra Vista Elementary School

    Children’s Health Center

    510 Barstow Avenue, Clovis

    Monday through Thursday

    8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


  • If you have any questions regarding transitional kindergarten or kindergarten, registration, or required enrollment documents, please feel free to contact your resident school. During summer months, contact Student Services and School Attendance.


    If you have questions regarding on campus childcare (Expanded Learning Club/Campus Club) or preschool programs, please contact Child Development at (559) 327- 9160. To sign up for a Campus Club Kindergarten orientation/registration, please visit the Campus Club web page here or call 559-327-9160.


    If you have questions regarding school transfers or need an appointment to be approved as a child’s caregiver, please contact Student Services and School Attendance.


    Clovis Unified School District

    Student Services and School Attendance

    1465 David E. Cook Way

    Clovis, California 93611

    Office: (559) 327-9200

    FAX: (559) 327-9222