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School Accountability Report Cards
CUSD Posts Their Annual School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs)
In November 1988, California voters passed Proposition 98, also known as The Classroom Instructional Improvement and Accountability Act. This ballot initiative provides California’s public schools with a stable source of funding. In return, all public schools in California are required annually to prepare SARCs and disseminate them to the public. SARCs are intended to provide the public with important information about each public school and to communicate a school’s progress in achieving its goals. The public may also use a SARC to evaluate and compare schools on a variety of indicators.
In Clovis, our SARCs begin with a profile that provides background information about the school and its students. The profile summarizes the school’s mission, goals, and accomplishments. State law requires that the SARC contain all of the following:
To obtain a copy of your child’s school’s SARC you can:
For more information, please call your child’s school or the Assessment Department at 327.0680.
Data reflects the prior school year.
High Schools
Intermediate Schools
Elementary Schools
Alternative Education Schools
Alternative Education Schools