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Clovis Unified School District is contracted with PhysMetrics to provide its employees, covered dependents, and retirees covered under the Plan with physical medicine services, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and chiropractic care therapy benefits.
For detailed information regarding covered services, please click the link for the Schedule of Benefits located under Resources.
Member Cost Share
Physical & Occupational Therapies
$25 Copay Per Visit
50% of the network contract rate after any applicable deductible
Any treatment involving more than 10 visits MUST have all additional visits preauthorized by the treating provider
$25 Copay Per Visit
The Plan does NOT cover treatment provided by an out-of-network chiropractic provider
The Plan covers a maximum of 24 office visits per plan year & up to 10 office visits maximum per month
Written precertification is required for the following services before any claims will be paid. Please call toll-free at 877-519-8839 for precertification for the following services: