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IEP Meeting Resources

An open binder with a letter from the Family Resource Center, a clear pocket with markers and a business card, and a page with the text 'This Book Belongs To'.Whether you are new to CUSD Special Education or a “seasoned veteran”, we would like to remind you that the Family Resource Center is here to help and support you along the way. While there are many joys and rewards to being the parent of a child or young adult with special needs, navigating services can sometimes be overwhelming.

On this web page, you will find a free downloadable document that families can print out and place in a 3-ring binder. It is a tool to help keep your student’s important documents organized and ready to refer to at IEP meetings. You will also find information on relevant topics such as; transitions, who to contact, and your parent rights. The Family Resource Center is here to assist you in becoming an informed member of your student's IEP team. Please contact the Family Resource Center with questions or for more information at (559) 327-8455.