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Who are we?
Clovis Unified is more than its name implies. Our 200-square-mile boundary includes most of Clovis, 20 percent of Fresno and a small portion of unincorporated Fresno county. We work in partnership with three local governments and law enforcement agencies. We strive to make a positive impact in the communities in which our schools are located by offering high-quality education of children at well-kept facilities that enhance nearby businesses and properties.
2023-24 Student Achievement Data
Clovis Unified’s scores for the 2023-24 school year were 66% of students at or above the English Language Arts standard (state average was 47%) and 51% of students at or above the Math standard (state average 35%).
To see full results of the most recent statewide academic assessments, visit the California Department of Education’s website at CDE website.
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