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A man with a beard and gray hair smiles for a headshot against a blue background.Chris Petty

Clovis Unified School District Operations logo with the word 'Clovis' in a large, bold font.

Welcome to Plant Operations

We are a department within the Business Division of CUSD. Plant Operations provides the services of building and grounds maintenance, waste management, utilities, building custodial operations and energy management to all the buildings and grounds at district sites. In all, we provide services to more than 4.5 million square feet.

Plant Operations is a diverse group of individuals that reflect the demographics of our school community and our region. We are more than 325 in numbers with a wide variety of credentials. We are comprised of skilled trades’ persons, mechanics, custodians, department managers, maintenance professionals, clerical assistants, groundskeepers, HVAC technicians, analysts and supervisors. We pride ourselves in our ability to support the faculty and operations need of the Clovis Unified School District.

Our motto: We are one Team — committed to quality facilities and student success.

Mission & Vision

Mission Statement


Plant Operations maintains the physical plant environment and provides related services to support CUSD in reaching its goal of excellence in education.

Plant Operations includes Building Services, Custodial Operations, Facilities Maintenance, Grounds, Plant Administrative Services, Plant Operations, CAD, Utilities and Energy Management and Work Control Center.

Vision Statement

  • To be an organization where continuous and measurable improvement in services is the standard
  • To be recognized by the District community for excellence in service, as a partner in solving our customers’ problems
  • To be an innovative leader in facilities management
  • To be an organization where all employees are treated equitably and honestly
  • To be an effective, diverse work community
  • To be a learning organization where all staff members are empowered and supported in reaching their full potential
  • To be a workplace where an atmosphere of trust encourages creativity and innovation
  • A man with a goatee and blue eyes smiles for a portrait.Bill Rice
    Elementary Custodial 
    The Elementary Division of the Custodial Department consists of one Manager, two Area Supervisors, thirty-five Plant Managers, and seventy custodians. Our School Plant Supervisors are responsible for the care, maintenance and supervision of the school site facility to which they are assigned. The custodial staff is responsible for the daily cleaning of all school site classrooms, libraries, administrative and other office areas, as well as the daily sanitation of all restrooms.

    Interested in joining our team?  All of our Custodial staff starts with our district as a Substitute Custodian. Find our Eligibility pool here.

  • A man with a goatee smiles for a portrait against a blue background.Chris Allen, Manager
    Secondary Custodial 
    The Custodial Department is committed to providing the best possible service available for the students, staff and community of CUSD. We are a department of nearly 120 full-time employees and 15 substitutes to service our 5 intermediate and 5 high schools. We pride ourselves on setting the bar high. The standards in which we present our schools and athletic facilities to the students, staff and community are second to none.

    In addition to the daily cleaning of instructional and administrative facilities, our duties include (but are not limited to) cleaning of all athletic facilities including 2 football stadiums, 10 baseball and softball stadiums, 90 tennis courts and 1 softball complex. We also provide set-up and tear-down duties for all of the many co-curricular activities at these secondary school sites including academic and athletic award ceremonies, drama productions, rallies, testing, football games, graduation ceremonies and the CIF State Track Meet. We are also responsible for all minor maintenance to the facilities as well as reporting all work orders for major maintenance. We conduct regular daily, weekly and monthly safety inspection for these facilities as well.

    The Facilities Division will work as a united team to provide and maintain a quality environment that supports students' and teachers' interactions so every student will reach their potential in mind, body and spirit.

  • A person cleans the bleachers of a stadium with a high-pressure water sprayer.Our Custodial team is hard at work preparing our stadiums for the football playoffs.  Each stadium has a dedicated Athletic Facilities custodian responsible for maintaining the high standards of our varsity athletic venues.  

  • A man with a beard and a blue shirt smiles at the camera.Adam Belmont
    Maintenance Manager


    The goal of the Maintenance Department is to provide and maintain a quality environment that supports the student and teacher interaction, allowing every student to reach their potential in mind, body and spirit. To do this, we are dedicated to achieving quality customer service through teamwork and efficient use of resources.

    The department addresses over 12,000 work orders per year while maintaining over 4 million square feet of building space. Our team is comprised of 52 members: one manager, two Supervisors, one PM Team Leader, and forty-eight maintenance staff. The department consists of the following trades:

    • Electrical
    • Carpentry
    • Plumbing
    • Metal
    • Roofing
    • Audio-Visual
    • Telephone
    • Locksmiths
    • Painting
    • HVAC
    • Pool Workers (Certified Pool Operators — CPO)
    • Energy Management

    Maintenance looks forward to working with you and ensuring that your site is in good repair and well maintained.

  • A man with short black hair and a black polo shirt smiles at the camera.

    Carlos Aleman
    Grounds & Landscape Manager

    The Grounds department is committed to providing an inviting, pleasing, and safe environment for all students, staff and the community of CUSD. The Grounds and Landscape department consists of one manager, two supervisors, a team leader at each of our high schools, a team leader for Construction and Hazmat services, and 60 crew members to take care of 1200 acres.

    Services include taking care of all landscaping, turf areas, pest control, sweeping of parking lots and black top areas, irrigation control and repairs, fencing and gate repairs, concrete and asphalt repairs, playground equipment installations and repairs by certified playground inspectors. A full time Arborist is on staff to take care of our 7,000+ trees. All Team leaders are certified through the State as Qualified Applicators to spray pesticides.

    The Grounds department is responsible for keeping the quality and safety of our sports fields at a high standard, second to none in the state if not the nation. We host major sporting events like the CIF State Track meet, CIF State Swim meet, Softball Nationals, World Band Association competitions, City/County All-star football games, Special Olympics games, not to mention the thousands of setups for co-curricular events such as Easter classic for baseball, soccer games for CJSL, Baseball for Fall ball, Football Passing tournaments, etc.

    The Grounds department manages the entire MSDS Online enrollment for Plant Operations and is responsible for all Hazardous waste including:

    • Collection
    • Reporting
    • Cleanups of any hazardous waste spills throughout the District
    • Oversee compliance with Department of Pesticide Regulations, City and County Health Department, Board of Equalization, both Fresno and Clovis Fire Dept., Department of Toxic Substance Control, and AB 2260 (the Healthy Schools Act).
    • Submit applications annually for Hazardous Waste Business plans for every site that generates hazardous waste.
    • Monitor the hazardous chemicals and specimen waste in our Biology and Chemistry classes
    • Monitor oil and battery pickups at Transportation and auto shops.
  • If you would like to register to be notified 72 hours in advance of individual pesticide applications please view the last page of the above attachment.  For more information on the Healthy Schools Act please visit the website.



Interested in joining our team?  All of our Custodial staff starts with our district as a Substitute Custodian. Find our Eligibility pool here.


A landscaper trims a hedge with an electric hedge trimmer.We are currently hiring for the following positions:

  • Substitute Groundskeeper - Apply here
  • Skilled Groundskeeper Senior - Irrigation Specialist - Apply here