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March 2025
As of the end of February, after four negotiations meetings, an additional three artcles have been tenatively agreed to between the district and ACE ASL Interpreters. This includes Article 11 Health and Welfare Benefits, in which it was agreed that the bargaining unit will be represented on the existing Employee Benefits Committee (EBC) which will remain the decision-making body for employee health benefits.
Articles 12 (Leave of Absences) and 14 (Safety) were also tentatively agreed to during negotiations in February. As of March 1, ACE ASL Interpreters are in possession of seven articles and the district is in possession of two articles for consideration.
Additional negotation meetings have been scheduled for March 6, March 12, March 19, March 26 and March 28.
February 2025
Negotiation meetings have been scheduled to take place Feb. 5, Feb. 13, Feb. 19 and Feb. 26 to continue the process of developing an initial CBA between the District and ACE ASL Interpreters. After the Feb. 5 meeting, 17 articles remain to be settled. ACE ASL Interpreters are currently in posession of seven articles that were either introduced by or already responded to by the District. The District is in possession of two articles introduced or already responded to by ACE ASL Interpreters. Eight articles remain to be opened by either party. The District remains committed to working together in a mutually respectful effort to develop a final bargaining agreement with our employee group.
January 2025
January 9 the District and ACE ASL Interpreters began meeting to negotiate an initial collective bargaining agreement. As of January 31, after four meetings, the parties have tentatively agreed to three out of 20 articles: Association Rights, Personnel Files, and Savings Clause. Meetings are scheduled to continue throughout February.
October 2024
The District and ACE ASL Interpreters are taking necessary steps to begin negotiations over the initial collective bargaining for this group. At the Oct. 23 meeting of the governing board, ACE ASL interpreters brought their initial request for a public hearing and sunshine proposal to the Oct. 23 board meeting. That hearing will be held Nov. 13 at 6:45 p.m. in the board room. The District’s request for a public hearing and the initial sunshining of its proposal will be presented to the governing board on Nov. 13 and a public hearing on it is expected to occur during the board’s Dec. 13 meeting. After that time, the two groups will begin scheduling negotiations meetings.