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Retirement Information

Retiree Information

Employee Retirement Systems

  • A red button with the white text 'CALSTRS'.

    CalSTRS, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, is the largest teachers’ retirement system and second largest public pension fund in the nation. A world-class financial services institution and state agency, our unique organizational culture emphasizes customer service, leadership and respect for our members and our colleagues.

    CalSTRS provides retirement, disability and survivor benefits to California’s more than 949,000 public school educators and their families.


    Fresno Member Service Center
    Hours: 8 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Friday
    Phone: 800-228-5453

  • A blue button with the white text 'CalPERS'. 

    CalPERS builds retirement and health security for California state, school, and public agency members. They manage the largest public pension fund in the US. CalPERS is mandated for all employees working more than 20 hours per week.

    Hours: 8 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Friday
    Phone Number: (888)-225-7377
    Address: 10 River Park Place E Suite 230, Fresno, CA 93720
    Retiree Website


    CalPERS Retiree Webcasts

    Power of Attorney

    • The CalPERS Special Power of Attorney allows you to designate someone to perform important duties related to your CalPERS benefits. Even if you already have a power of attorney through another source, it may not address CalPERS. This webcast provides an overview about the importance of having a CalPERS special power of attorney on file. It  also covers the reasons a power of attorney is beneficial, as well as the duties and limitations representatives may have as it relates to your employees' benefits.
    • Special Power of Attorney Form

    Retirement Planning Checklist

    • Review the checklist of steps you should take leading up to that all-important date.

    Your Retirement Calculation

    • Learn about the three factors used to calculate your retirement and how to increase your retirement benefits.

    Your Online Service Retirement Application

    • Most members can submit a service retirement application through myCalPERS and avoid driving to one of our offices. In this presentation, you'll learn the steps to plan for your retirement, the online application, and what happens after it's submitted.

    Working After Retirement

    • After you retire, you may decide to return to work for a CalPERS covered employer as a retired annuitant or reinstate from your retirement. Discover the limitations as a retired annuitant and the guidelines you must follow if you reinstate from retirement. 
    • Guide to Working After Retirement
  • A light blue button with the word 'APPLE' in white text.

    MidAmerica Administrative Solutions works in conjunction with Keenan & Associates to market the Accumulation Program for Part-time and Limited-service Employees (The APPLE Plan) as an alternative to Social Security to government and educational sector employees.

    Hours:  8:30 AM - 6 PM (EST), Monday -Friday
    Phone Number: (800)-430-7999
    Fax Number: (863)-686-9727

    Contact APPLE- Click Here

    APPLE Forms:

Working After Retirement

CalPERS Guide to Employment After Retirement

  • CalPERS retirees can work as a retired annuitant for a CalPERS employer without reinstating from retirement; but there are restrictions.

Working After Retirement CalSTRS Flyer 

  • If CalSTRS retirees return to work after service retirement and perform retired member activities, including substitute teaching, as an employee of a California public school system, an employee of a third party, or an independent contractor, there are restrictions.