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Direct Deposit FAQ

Direct Deposit / Rapid Paycard

Direct Deposit or Rapid Pay Card are the two options in which an employee can receive their pay. With these options you will have access to your funds on payday. No more trips to the bank! Notification will be sent to your CUSD email account at least three days prior to payday when your paystub has been posted to Employee Self Service (ESS).


If you have any additional questions, please email us at and we would be happy to assist you.


How to Sign Up for Direct Deposit and what is the Deadline?

As an added benefit to our CUSD employees, we offer paycheck direct deposit into either your checking or savings account. We also offer a Rapid Pay Card which gives you instant access to your money the morning of every payday.

You may sign up at any time by filling out the below form and bring it into the Payroll Department along with a voided check or ACH bank form that has your name and information imprinted. No handwritten information will be accepted. No copies will be accepted.

The deadline is the end of the 15th of each month, if turned in by the deadline then your direct deposit will take effect on that months payday.

What if I'm Changing Banks or Bank Accounts?

It is very important that you notify the Payroll Department to stop your Direct Deposit before you close your account. The deadline is by the end of the 15th of the month for that months paycheck. If you do not, the District cannot reissue you a check until the funds have been returned to us by the bank.

Please bring your new banking information into the Payroll Department along with the Direct Deposit Authorization form. Best practice would be to wait for your direct deposit to be deposited into your new bank account before closing your old account.