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CPR, AED, & First Aid Certification

CPR, AED, & First Aid Certification

Clovis Unified School District provides several opportunities throughout the year for employees & District volunteers to receive initial training and/or recertification in CPR, AED, and First Aid at no cost to the participant.

There are six certification classes held over the calendar year, with five held during the school year & one held during the summer. An additional two days of “Skills Only” testing takes place over the summer. Currently, the training program has two employees who are certified to train new instructors & 54 employees who are certified to conduct training classes. These instructors provide all the trainings for the year & conduct hands-on skills testing for each trainee during the certification & recertification process.

If for some reason an employee or volunteer is unable to attend a CUSD training or would prefer to complete training elsewhere, he or she must receive training from an approved, hands-on program that covers all three areas of CPR, AED, and First Aid. Trainings that do not meet those qualifications can be deemed insufficient by the District. The cost of the non-CUSD CPR training is the responsibility of the individual obtaining the training.

Communication regarding scheduled classes for the year and how to request trainings/certifications is directed to all principals, school nurses, office mangers, and athletic directors at the start of each school year from the Risk Management Department.

To confirm if an outside program is accepted by CUSD & for all other inquiries, please contact our Risk Management Specialist, Candace Boswell, via email at

A graphic depicting three hexagonal shapes, each representing a different type of emergency medical care: CPR, First Aid, and AED.

  • Dates & Times

    7/24/2025, 9:00AM to 12:00PM

    8/21/2025, 9:00AM to 12:00PM

    9/18/2025, 3:30PM to 6:30PM

    12/11/2025, 3:30PM to 6:30PM

    2/11/2026, 3:30PM to 6:30PM

    3/19/2026, 3:30PM to 6:30PM

    You must be registered for the class in order to attend. Walk-ins will not be accepted. To register, please contact Candace Boswell at

Additional Requirements for All Coaches


All coaches must complete/renew all three trainings listed above when certifying/renewing CPR, AED, and First Aid. The online trainings are free, take 15-30 minutes each to complete, and can be accessed from the NFHS website.

When you are on the website, you must register/sign in if registered previously:

  1. Once signed in, the website will direct you to your dashboard.
  2. At the top, look for a red tab that states “COURSES FOR.” Then select the “Coaches” tab to the left.
  3. You will then be redirected to a page of available courses.
  4. To the left, under the category list, you will see the options “Free or Paid.” Select the “Free” option.
  5. Scan through the courses & find the name of the course (Concussion, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Heat Illness Prevention) you are looking for .
  6. Click on “Start Learning” & the course will be added to your dashboard.
  7. Repeat this process until “Concussion,” “Sudden Cardiac Arrest,” and “Heat Illness Protection” have all been added.
  8. Once all courses are added, return to the dashboard & begin your courses.

Upon the completion of each course, you MUST download & print the Certificate of Completion to provide a copy to your site. It is the responsibility of each school site to keep record of what training certificates their coaches have completed.

These additional training certifications expire when the CPR certification expires.


  • No – employees must complete the hiring process & be cleared to work prior to being enrolled.

  • Yes, but volunteers must complete a background check and be cleared prior to signing up for a CPR class.

  • Coaches have the option to receive certifications from an approved porgram outside of the District at their own expense.

  • The most common reason CUSD doesn't accept a certification is that the training was conducted online without a hands-on component. Another reason is that one of the three skills (CPR, AED, and/or First Aid) was missing from the training.

  • A teaching credential requires infant, child, and adult certification. If a coach, employee, and/or volunteer needs a CPR/AED/First Aid class for their teaching credential and coaching permit, they will need to take a class through an outside agency. Classes provided through CUSD are with adult-sized manniquins only.

  • Most emails will be responded to within 2 business days of receipt.
