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  • Vision Statement
    Striving to be America’s benchmark for excellence in education, ALL students from Clovis Unified School District have access to and opportunity for a quality education, gain knowledge and skills to make educated decisions to be prepared for the various post-secondary options available as college and career ready, and connect to programs that promote positive academic, career and social/emotional outcomes.

    Mission Statement
    The Mission of the Clovis Unified School District Counseling Services Department is to pursue excellence in academic knowledge and skills which promote career awareness for each student by creating a safe, equitable and accessible environment which results in a student’s continuous improvement and success. The CUSD Counseling Services program partners with and provides resources to those individuals from any and all facets of the educational setting that are involved and necessary in connecting students to the essential academic, career and social/emotional skills that will allow each and every student to reach their long term potential in Mind, Body and Spirit.

If you are interested in a counseling internship at a school site in Clovis Unified School District, please contact Stephanie Frazier at Please note that spaces are limited each semester.