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Academic Policies and Procedures

Academic Policies and Procedures

Clovis Unified School District Mission Statement

To be a quality educational system providing the resources for ALL students to reach their potential in mind, body and spirit.

  • ​​​​​​

    Academic Credit for Transfer Students 

    Transfer of Credit to CUSD: Students transferring into the district from another high school shall receive appropriate academic credit for previous coursework. The district will evaluate all coursework and credits granted by the high school and make an individual determination on how those credits will be applied to the District’s graduation requirements.  

    Unless otherwise provided, course work completed at a non-accredited school shall not receive academic credit.  

    An “accredited” school is one that has received accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), or one of the other five regional associations outside of California that accredit public and private schools, colleges and universities in the United States, or in the case of a school outside of the United States, by the equivalent governmental agency in that jurisdiction. 


    Changing, Adding, and Dropping Courses 

    CUSD Counselors and Administrators have dedicated significant efforts to ensure students are enrolled in the most appropriate courses upon consideration of the student’s post-secondary goals. Prior to selecting their courses, each student meets with a teacher from each academic discipline to discuss individual course recommendations. Additionally, counselors have given classroom presentations detailing both graduation requirements and college admissions requirements and expectations to assist students in selecting the most appropriate schedules based on their individual pursuits. Finally, counselors meet one-on-one with each student to review their course selection. Significant master schedule and staffing decisions are made based on spring course selection of CUSD students. Please check with your individual Counseling Department for procedures on changing, adding and dropping Courses. 


    Repeating a Course 

    A student may petition to improve a D or F grade by repeating the course, with their Counselor’s permission 

    • A grade of C- or higher MAY NOT be repeated. 
    • A course may not be repeated if a more advanced course in the same subject area has been taken. 
    • Grades received for the repeated course will appear on the transcript (higher or lower) and will be calculated into the GPA. The original grade attempt will appear on the transcript along with a 0 in the attempted & earned credit columns (no longer used to calculate GPA). 
    • A student who repeats a course will not be considered for Valedictorian at graduation if the revised GPA is 4.0.


    Maximum Credit Guidelines

    • A regular schedule consists of six classes (30 credits per semester). 
    • Students may take additional credits per semester through a combination of regular schedule, CART, CTE, credit recovery, etc., with counselor permission. 
    • Students may request to take up to 45 credits with Site approval. 
    • Credits beyond 45 per semester require District Administrative approval.


    Summer School 

    • Students who meet the qualifications can take up to 10 credits in Summer School, with the exception of incoming Seniors they can take up to 15 credits in Summer School (exception for Early Grad student). 
    • Students who received a D or F in English, Math, Science or PE Core must make up the grade in Summer School in a 4-day week Face-to-Face Class. 
    • Students may take a maximum of 1 year of PE Core/Elective for original credit during Summer School 
    • Students may take only 1 year of Social Science for original credit in Summer School. 
    • Students can make up a grade of D or F only. Grades of C- or above may not be repeated.
  • Early Graduation: Students may graduate early provided they complete the following steps 

    • Petition for early graduation (Board Policy 6461.1) before May 1st of the school year prior to the early graduation date. (See Counselor for assistance) 
    • Complete all CUSD required academic core courses required for graduation. 
    • Have no outstanding obligations or fees from CUSD or any school from which they transferred.


    School Day

    Students in grades 9-11 must enroll in a minimum of six high school courses per semester while students in grade 12 must enroll in at least five high school courses per semester. Eligible seniors may enroll in four high school courses when concurrently enrolled in designated community college classes with mutual exchange of student data.


    Progress Reports / Final Report Card 

    Three report cards are issued per semester - at six weeks, at twelve weeks, and at the end of the semester. All report cards, (six & twelve-week progress/deficiency grade reports and semester grades) will be communicated to parents/guardians. 

  • Impacted Schedule 

    Participation in Band, Color-Guard, Orchestra, Choir, Drama, Leadership, Peer Counseling, AVID, CART, CTE Pathways, and CCCAP Program classes may “impact” a student’s schedule – creating the need to find room in their schedule. There are Academically Impacted Criteria for receiving a PE Waiver, taking Directed Studies PE and for being allowed to take original credit Summer School. Please contact your counselor to see if you qualify.


    Impacted Schedule Criteria: Directed Studies Physical Education (Grades 11/12 only) 

    • Enrolled in six courses, five of which are college prep (including college course, but must be in schedule as college course).  
    • No TA (Academic Assistant), No Tutoring, No Unscheduled


    Impacted Schedule Criteria- PE Waiver (Grades 11/12 only) 

    • No TA, No Unscheduled period 
    • Career Technical Education (CTE/Regional Occupational Program (ROP)- 2 period course
    • Center for Advanced research and Technology (CART) * If PM CART- Unscheduled as long as minimum of 6 periods.
    • Clovis Community College Advantage Program- Seniors only


    Impacted Schedule Criteria- Summer School (original credit) 

    • Performing Arts which includes: Band, Orchestra, Color Guard, Choir, Drama (courses attached to a co-curricular program).
    • Leadership 
    • Peer Counseling 
    • AVID 
    • CTE Pathway course 
    • CART


    AB 469- Pupil Instruction- Financial Aid Application 

    The governing body of a local education agency shall confirm that a pupil complies with the completion of either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the California Dream Act (CADA) application or an Opt-Out from. Student must have completed one of the three documents mentioned prior to Senior White Card Day. 


  • Finals Policy 

    Each high school will follow the policy specific to their campus. Please consult with site student handbook.


    Transcript Information 

    • Transcript Information Class Rank (ranked after 7th Semester): This is an optional field on the student transcript that may be included/excluded for college applications based upon student/parent preferences. The Governing Board acknowledges the usefulness of and authorizes a system of computing grade point averages and class ranking. The objectives are to: (1) provide information for school and district awards, and (2) provide employers and institutions of higher learning a predictive device so students are placed in the appropriate environment conducive to success. The Governing Board recognizes the value of curricular subjects and wishes to honor many students for their academic success. Therefore, class rank shall be computed by the grades earned in Boardapproved courses. 
    • A student’s grade point average and both a non-weighted and weighted class rank (OPTIONAL) shall be entered on the student record and shall be subject to the Governing Board’s policy on release of student records. The weighted class rank is provided as a service to assist students in college admission but is not used within the CUSD system to identify Valedictorian or Salutatorian status. A weighted class rank may be used by individual high school sites to identify students for special awards of distinction. 
    • Computing Grade Point Average: A student receives five semester credits or units for each class during a semester in which a passing grade (A, B, C, D, P) is earned. No credit is awarded at the six-week or twelve-week report cards. Grades at those times are progress reports to the student and parent. The cumulative grade point average is computed by awarding grade points (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) for all classes with the exception that the scale (A=5, B=4, C=3, D=1) is used for classes that the District submits to the University of California for the awarding of an extra grade point (Honors Level or Advanced Placement courses). The class rank for graduating seniors is based upon the cumulative grade point average for seven semesters. 
    • Parchment: Through Parchment, CUSD students have the ability to request their transcripts be sent electronically. Check with your high school Counselor or Registrar for the procedure.


    Course Identification 

    • (P) Courses: These courses are considered College Preparatory. They have been approved through the UC/CSU system and are placed in the appropriate category on the school’s A-G list. 
    • Honors Courses: Most Honors courses are also designated with a (P). The course is meant to be more rigorous than the regular course. 
    • UC Approved Honors Courses (HP): Courses identified with an (HP) are approved as UC/CSU Honors courses and will receive an extra grade point in their GPA. 
    • AP Courses: Clovis Unified currently has Advanced Placement (AP) courses, which are also identified as (HP). The curriculum is designated by College Board and is very rigorous. If passed with a C or better, students will receive an extra grade point weight in their GPA.
    • (DE) Dual Enrollment Courses: Courses where both college and high school credit is awarded.


    Withdraw Fail (WF) 

    A student may initiate the dropping of a class, without penalty, until the end of the fourth week of each semester. After that date, withdrawal may result in a “WF” grade on the student’s transcript that will be computed in their overall GPA, as an F.


    Incomplete Grade (INC) 

    A semester incomplete (INC) grade may be issued by a teacher, with administrative approval, when a student has not completed the course requirements due to an extended absence or extenuating circumstances. The student will have up to six weeks to complete the required work and receive a passing grade. An incomplete grade not resolved by that time will be changed to an F.

  • Unscheduled Period/Short Schedule/Shortened Day 

    Education Code Section 51241 (d) A pupil exempted under paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) or paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) shall not attend fewer total hours of courses and classes if he or she elects not to enroll in a physical education course that he or she would have attended if he or she had elected to enroll in a physical education course. Therefore, a student may not be unscheduled for any period during any semester of high school unless they are enrolled in a physical education course.


    Impacted Schedule 

    Participation in Band, Color-Guard, Orchestra, Choir, Drama, Leadership, Peer Counseling, AVID, CART, CTE Pathways, and CCCAP Program classes may “impact” a student’s schedule – creating the need to find room in their schedule. There are Academically Impacted Criteria for receiving a PE Waiver, taking Directed Studies PE and for being allowed to take original credit Summer School. Please contact your counselor to see if you qualify.



    Clovis Unified Athletics and Co-Curricular Programs

    For information regarding CUSD Athletics and Co-Curricular Programs, please use the following link (AR6145)

    • Grade Point Average Requirement
    • Progress Toward Graduation
    • Academic Eligibility
    • Grading Period
    • Code of Ethics
    • Transfers