Member Cost Share
30 Day Supply Copays
See our Advanced Control Formulary below for a list of covered medications.
Preferred Brand
Brand Name
90-100 Day Supply Copays
See our Advanced Control Formulary below for a list of covered medications.
Preferred Brand
Brand Name
Specialty Prescription Copay
CUSD has partnered with PrudentRx through CVS Caremark to provide specialty medications at no cost to covered employees & dependents. In order to fill specialty prescriptions not otherwise covered by the Advanced Control Formulary, members must sign up for the PrudentRx program (at no additional cost).
See our PrudentRx Specialty Medication Formulary for a list of covered specialty medications under the PrudentRx program.
To enroll, please call PrudentRx toll-free at 1-800-578-4403 Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM ET.
An Advanced Control Formulary is a list managed by CVS Caremark that details medications covered under the Health Plan and provides alternatives to medications that are not covered.
CVS Caremark updates & releases a new formulary every quarter during the months of January, April, July, and October.
See below for the most recently-released formulary:
When CVS excludes a medication from the formulary, at least two alternatives are provided. In certain instances, a patient may be unable to tolerate those alternatives. Their doctor can request a pre-authorization to utilize the non-formulary medication. Requests for pre-authorizations must include documentation of the patient attempting to use the alternatives & having an inadequate treatment response and/or intolerance to the required number of formulary alternatives.
To get a pre-authorization for a non-formulary medication, have your doctor utilize the numbers below.
Please note: these are physician-only numbers & cannot be utilized by patients.
CVS Pre-authorization Physician-Only Number: 866-443-1183
CVS Pre-authorization Phyisican-Only Fax: 866-689-3092