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Policies and Procedures

Teacher Center Procedures

For decades, Clovis Unified School District’s Teacher Center (TC) has been dedicated to supporting Clovis Unified teachers by offering resources that may not be available at the school site.  The Teacher Center has grown to include five laminators, two types of copiers, and over 1000 die-cuts.  As a well-equipped resource center, the TC remains close to teachers’ hearts as an extended and helpful hand.

  • ACCESS:  While all Clovis Unified employees are welcomed, the TC is designed for Clovis Unified teachers and their helpers (parent volunteers, etc.)  The Center is not open to the public.  However, Clovis Unified promotes volunteerism in the classroom; towards this goal, any classroom volunteer is allowed to use the TC once their assigned task is complete. The TC also requests that food and drink be left in the break room by Supplemental Services.
  • CHECKING IN:  Teachers, parent helpers, and instructional aides enter their special Identification numbers into the Sign-In computer, located in the Professional Learning Center’s lobby (just outside the TC).  A “Charge Out” form will be generated by entering this number.  The Charge Out form stays with the user throughout their visit.
  • CHECKING OUT:  At the end of a visit to the Center, all Charge Out forms are completed and placed in the “Charge Out” tray located on the lobby counter.  If paying by cash or check, simply hand a cash or check form to any of the TC Staff.  Cash and checks are accepted; however, credit or debit cards are not accepted.
  • MACHINE POLICY:   If there are more users than machines, a waitlist will be created.  Every user is allocated a maximum of fifteen minutes using some machines in the TC.  The list will be available on the middle of the TC’s tables.  A Staff member will set a timer for each machine.  At the end of each fifteen-minute period, copying and duplicating will cease in order to allow the next customer their allocated 15 minutes.  Another 15 minutes may be allocated when a machine becomes available. Large quantity jobs such as 100+ color copies or 5+ color posters are directed to Graphic Arts
  • FINANCES: The TC is funded by District Lottery funds which provides each credentialed CUSD full-time teacher an account with $100 allocation on a yearly basis. CUSD part-time teachers receive a prorated account based on the percentage of their contract. Any funds left on a teacher’s account must be depleted by June 30th. Teachers may use their Teacher Center account to purchase and use materials at the Center, i.e. laminating or copying. Overages are the responsibility of each teacher, to be paid before the end of the school year.