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English Learner Advisory Committee


An English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) must be formed whenever a school has over 21 or more English Learner students.  The ELAC must meet at least quarterly to discuss issues relative to the success of English learners.  The ELAC also completes a needs assessment on an annual basis to identify areas of need or areas where additional information is needed.  Each school is to nominate a District English Language Advisory Committee Member (DELAC) that would attend district level meetings and bring back and share district level information to their own school community as well as bring issues, concerns or needs to the DELAC.

In addition to the School Site Council (SSC), other school or district councils or committees are required under certain circumstances. A major difference between the SSC and advisory committees is that the District Governing Board is the final decision-making body regarding programs with advisory committees. The advisory committee has no program or budget authority, but makes recommendations to the school and Board for consideration. The SSC should be aware of the other advisory committees and should develop a means for good communication, since the decisions of the SSC will affect the students throughout the school, such advisory committees in the Clovis Unified School District Learner Advisory Committee, the District Migrant Education Parent Advisory Council, the School and District level School Assessment Review Team (SART), and the District Indian Education Parent Advisory Committee.

Glossary of Commonly Used Terms

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Whenever there are 21 or more EL students at a school site, there shall be a functioning English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) that has met all of the following:

  1. Has been elected by the parents or guardians of the English Learners at the school site.
  2. Has advised the principal and staff on:
  • The development of a detailed plan for English learners submitted to the governing board.
  • The development of the schools needs.
  • Administration of the schools language census (RL 30-LC form).
  • Efforts to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
  1. Has had an election of members in which all parents of English learners have had an opportunity to vote and in which the parents or guardians of English Learners elect the parent members of the committee. 
  2. Has had the opportunity to elect at least one member of the district’s EL advisory committee [District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) or participated in a proportionate regional representation scheme when 31 or more parent advisory committee (ELACs) in the district. 
  3. Has received training materials and training appropriate to assist parent members in carrying out their legal responsibilities.

District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Whenever there are 51 or more EL students in the district, there shall be a functioning District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) or subcommittee of an existing district committee that has met all of the following:

  1. Has had the opportunity to advise the governing board on at least the following tasks:
    1. A timetable for and development of a master plan of educational programs and services for English Learners, taking into consideration the school site plan for English Learners. 
    2. Conducting a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis. 
    3. Establishment of a district program, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English Learners
    4. Development of a plan to ensure compliance with applicable teacher or aide requirements.
    5. Administration of the language census.
    6. Review of and comment on the written notification of initial enrollment as per CCR Title 5 11303 (a)
    7. Review of and comment on any related waiver request.
    8. Review of and comment on the district reclassification procedures. 
  2. Has received instructional materials and training, developed in full consultation with the committee, appropriate to assist parent members in carrying out their responsibilities.

If you have any questions or would like to become part of the ELAC or DELAC, please contact your child’s school for more information and meetings dates.  For DELAC meetings, you will find the meetings list below.  All meetings are open to the public.  All Meetings are held at the CUSD Professional Learning Center at 362 N Clovis Ave., Suite 101, Clovis, CA 93612.