Stay Informed!
Communication is critical in our 43,000-plus student district. In addition to your school's communications, we encourage our students, parents, staff and community to stay informed this school year!
Visit 2024-25 School Year for information on the current school year including links to the district's wellness resources and 24-hour/7-days a week free tutoring service, upcoming school holidays, meal menus, trending district news and more.
Follow Clovis Unified's social media accounts.
--Facebook: Clovis Unified School District
--Instagram: clovisusd
--YouTube: clovisusd
Watch for the district's newspaper, CUSD Today, mailed directly to homes once a month, and the district's video blog, 2 Minutes Today, emailed monthly to families about trending topics.
To find out information about your child's school events, clubs and sports -- and so much more! -- please visit your child's school website. All CUSD school websites can be found in the menu at the top of the page.